John Noye Of Laxfield; A Story Of Exclusion

Mass is the central act of Christian worship, which culminates in celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist . According to the ancient eucharistic doctrine the elements of bread and wine are converted ( transubstantiated) into the body and blood of Christ, though the outward appearances of the elements, their “accidents,” remain, Catholicism maintains that Christ's body and blood are present in the consecrated host (the wafer of bread upon which the priest says the words of Jesus from the Last Supper: "This is my body") and in the consecrated wine (over which the priest says the words of Jesus: "This is the chalice of my blood"). Five hundred years ago, belief in this supernatural process was an essential pillar of British Christianity where it was activated daily by priests before their congregations. Regular church attendance to partake of the consecrated bread and wine was mandatory for an individual to be included as a member of the community. Suc...